Sidekiq WebUI Access Control 28 Oct 2022 Ruby on Rails Sidekiq Sidekiq WebUI Access Control Sidekiq built-in webui is simple and useful. We would like to take the advantage of that instead of reinventing the wheel. Sidekiq recommends for a
31 Aug 2020 ANGULAR NX Write Ng Add Schematics for Library in Monorepo In our monorepo, we have about 30-40 projects under library. We use custom schematics to integrate our library with Angular CLI. This post shows how
Specs and CodeCoverage for Monorepos 24 Jul 2020 ANGULAR NX Jest Specs and CodeCoverage for Monorepos We recently switched our many in house Angular repos to a Monorepo. There are tons of benefits that are widely acknowledged and we won'
Angular ViewChild 05 Jun 2020 ANGULAR Angular ViewChild We have created a message component which displays some default validation messages. The following block is to display the default message, only if there is
Setter and getter that have different types 29 May 2020 ANGULAR TypeScript Setter and getter that have different types TypeScript requires that both the getter and setter have the same type. For example code like this would create a type error. public get size(